The 39th Annual General Meeting of The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry PLC was held on 22 October, 2023 through Digital (Virtual) Platform. Janab Kazi Harun or Rashid, Hon’ble Chairman of the Company presided over the meeting.
Managing Director Prof. Dr. A. K. M Sadrul Islam Hon’ble Directors, Chairman Audit Committee, Chairman NRC, Statutory Auditors, Compliance Auditors, Independent Scrutinizer, Company Secretary and A large number of Share holders were attended the AGM virtually. The meeting started at 9:30 am by recitation from the Holy Quran.
The Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report and Audited Financial Statements were presented in the AGM for the Financial Year, 2022-23.
The AGM approved 60% Cash Dividend after evaluating the financial report for the Year-2022-23 of the Company.
Prof. Dr. A K M Sadrul Islam, Managing Director delivered his speech and also replied to the Hon’ble Shareholders’ various questions.
Prof. ANMA Zaher and Prof. Dr. Choudhury Mahmood Hasan were re-elected as Director by rotation.
The Company had made a significant contribution in the year under review towards the National Exchequers by paying Tk.163,74,45,414/- (One Hundred Sixty Three Crore Seventy Four Lac Forty Five Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen) as Income Tax, VAT and other applicable Taxes.
As per Bangladesh Labour Laws, Company has transferred5% of the profit i.e. Tk. 4,05,51,773/- (Four Crore Five Lac Fifty One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Three)to the Workers’ Profit Participation Fund (WPPF).
The meeting was ended with a vote of thanks to and from the Chairman of the Company by praying for the blessings of the Almighty Allah to the human being at large.